I created a hierachy of people based off 30 people's height, age, favorite color, and perferred social media

The color of the boxes represent the people's fav colors and defines who is who
Social medias - 1. Instagram 2. Twitter 3. snapchat 4. Youtube

Right side = instagram / twitter

still = snapchat / youtube

Bounce height how tall that person is

Speed = the age of the people (fast = older/ slower = younger )
Martin = lime green Amber = yellow Noah = blue Eduard = dark green Mer = light blue Faysal = gray Sam = light pink Nikki = purple Beth = dark pink Alex = navy Phil = light purple Emily = red Tom = teal Quinn = blueish purple Sierra = black Taylor = pink Ashton = Brown Jordan = Dark red Tamsen = gold Sean = orange Jarod = peach Joe = light green Matt = Indiago Dale = Silver Brooke = stawberry Marisol = forrest green victor = burgendy James = mustard Jake = red